Sunday 20 September 2009

Kerry & Danny - Their Pre-Wedding Shoot!

As you can see above from these images, Danny & Kerry are absolutely head over heels in love with each other - they are a wonderful couple & it was a real pleasure working with them today to relieve some of those pre-wedding jitters about being in front of a professionals camera! They took to it really well and as you can see we had a great time capturing these little slices of time! Look forward to seeing you on the 25th October! Woohoo!

Friday 18 September 2009

Stylized Portraits

After studying the work of some amazing photographers such as Joey Lawrence & Dave Hill - I thought I'd have a go at creating some more stylized portraits but in full black & white. I spent about an hour setting up & taking some shots & here's the results! We had a lot of fun creating these images and if you like them we can arrange to have some limited edition prints made up - contact us for prices.

Keep your eyes peeled & keep checking back for updates & more work!



Thursday 3 September 2009

The start of something beautiful...

I take it that the majority of people reading this will have found their way here through our website,, and firstly I want to thank everyone for stopping by!

Although my wife Sara & I, have been successfully running a Photography business for some time, we never thought of writing a blog until a friend of ours said it would be a good idea to do one, just to let all our clients & friends keep up to date with what we've been up to, so here it is.

And hopefully this will be the start of something beautiful, this is the first time I've ever written a blog but I think it's a good thing for myself or even everyone to get in to - I think it's quite like keeping a journal of your day-to-day activities so that in year's to come you, the people you love & care about or pretty much anyone that wants to for that matter, can read all about your trials & tribulations!

At this point, I'm not quite sure how this blog will evolve, I think at first I'll just be adding to it as & when the time permits, mostly about personal projects or anything else I feel the need to include here, maybe share a few photographic tips & tricks I pick up along the long journey which is life... who knows, but I'm sure we'll have fun finding out!

Anyway, be sure to keep checking back now & then to see what's going on!

All the best,
